Posts Tagged ‘Dragon Con’

The Lights Have All Been Turned Off for the Year

It’s late Monday evening as I write this. Dragon Con 2020 is (largely) in the books. There’s still a lot of content out there on platforms like YouTube and Vimeo that there was just no way to work in enough time for over the last few days. So, there’s still some Dragon Con 2020 to enjoy during this next week. But as far as the Roku, DCTV Dragon Con Goes Virtual stream, and a few other platforms carrying the live feeds this weekend are concerned, Dragon Con Goes Virtual has gone dark tonight.



Dragon Con Goes Virtual

For those of you late to the party that is the Coronapocalypse of 2020…

Pandemics suck. On the extreme far end, downer that this is to start a blog post with, there’s death. However, that does play into what happens to daily life under a pandemic. Basically, in many areas of life, it grinds to a halt. A lot of the things we think of as important and essential get cut out of our routines. Then comes the important things we don’t always think of as important and essential.


Over nearly three decades, Dragon Con has grown from the little Atlanta convention that defied the rules to one of the largest pop culture conventions in the world. Along the way, it changed the expectations for a successful convention. While small conventions still focus on one or two genres, the largest conventions combine literature, television & movies, comics and gaming, just as Dragon Con did for the first time back in 1987.

Dragon Con


On this episode of The Pro Wrestling Roundtable we prove that We Are NXT! But first Jonathan Williams, John Morgan Neal, & Richard Ewell are joined by professional wrestler Stryk Nyn as they talk with him about his career and Dragon Con Wrestling which is coming up THIS THURSDAY!


Do Not Approach

Do not approach…

Unless you can handle the big event. You can? In that case, knock yourself out. 

Have fun. 

Atlanta August 2018


This year’s Dragon Con is August 30 – September 3, 2018.

Every year for more than just a few years now, the Earth Station One crew has produced an annual series of shows designed to let fans- both newbies and long time Dragon Con veterans alike -know what’s going to be happening at that year’s Dragon Con while also dispensing some great advice along the way. The show- already under way now -has guests on who have a wealth of experience with the convention as well as guests who can give anyone a lot of tips and tricks to help prepare for and survive any convention; but especially the now five day nonstop party that is Dragon Con.

Combined with the The Unique Geek’s annual, just before con launched 50 Days of Dragon Con series, there are no podcasts that are better for getting you set for the big event or better at doing it in an entertaining way. 


It’s Here…

Posted: September 2, 2016 in Conventions, Dragon Con, Family, Holidays
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It's Here

Dragon Con and MomoCon

Atlanta has been home to Dragon Con for 30 years as of 2016’s convention. While it’s by far the biggest convention in Atlanta and the region in general, Dragon Con is not the only convention claiming Atlanta as it’s home. Another convention, MomoCon, has been making quite a name for itself. 


A four fan panel flashback to Dragon Cons past with some fun podcasts from the ESO Network family of shows. 1 (more…)