Archive for the ‘Life’ Category


Posted: August 15, 2023 in Life, News, Politics
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What happened with the Titan submersible was a tragedy. I don’t care if the people were rich or poor as others seem to. The fact is that five people died what were very possibly horrific deaths. What I’ve seen from many people over the last few days hasn’t put people from any side of the social and political spectrum in good light. People have been almost giddy to joke about five people dying because they were rich. A number of people, mainly on the right but some on the far left, have twisted news reports about the Navy detecting the sound of a possible implosion to turn that into conspiracies to fit their political narratives. One largely failed conservative-leaning actor even figured out a way to make a bad joke about their death in order to let everyone know for the millionth time that he really hates the Clintons.

But the response that has surprised me the most, even though it shouldn’t, is the fairly unified message from the conservative media, the conservative punditry, and the conservative social media influencers that the real lesson here is the dangers of “woke” and of hiring black people.


Playing the Game

Posted: April 15, 2022 in Life, News, Politics

If you were alive, awake, and politically aware back in the days of Obama’s presidency, you probably remember more than a few Republicans and conservatives breathlessly warning us about the evils that the Obama administration wanted to inflict upon America. The lists of crimes and evils they would natter on about was long and impressive and, frankly, more than a little scary if they had actually been telling the truth. But they weren’t telling the truth about Obama and the things he wanted to do to America and, as with so many other things, once the Republicans and conservatives were given enough time they proved that all their warnings were just them projecting their desires onto others and, as is typical with them, they were actually warning us about what they wanted to do.


I can’t even…

Okay, this is one of the- what sometimes feels like many -ways far-left progressives make themselves look foolish to anyone not living in the same echo chamber bubble they spend most of their time in. It’s unfortunately also an example of the far left playing a game where they take a legitimate historical event and use it in a way that undercuts and weakens the example when it’s legitimately used by someone else.


To get the first(ish) part of this story, go here to We’ll Just Call Him “JR”, a post written on August 29, 2021 about posts that had been going to moderation and then the spam folder during the week prior. I specifically cite the date here for a reason. Today is October 2, 2021. He’s still going, steadily filling up the spam folder right up to this last hour; over a month since his first attempt at posting here.


Quite some few, or even many at this point, years ago, a former acquaintance of mine was, as he had done many times and would do many more times on a particular forum, ranting away about how disingenuous the Pro-Choice crowd was because they, with the help of the MSM, had gotten everyone to call them Pro-Choice. It was dishonest, he ranted and raved, because they weren’t pro-choice but rather pro-abortion. Several people pointed out that, no, it was a completely accurate name for the movement because, despite the best mischaracterizations of the conservative media, the people in the Pro-Choice movement were, in fact, pro-choice. Any number of people who believed in a woman’s right to choose might not, in fact, ever choose to have an abortion themselves or even personally be against the idea of ever having one. They also wouldn’t, if asked by a friend for advice, promote abortion as a first or even second option to people. But, it was an option and one they believed women should have available and women should be able to make their own choice.

Thus, prochoice rather than proabortion.

The Very Definition of Insanity

We’ll Just Call Him “JR”

Posted: August 29, 2021 in Life, The Blog

The age of the internet has brought on a lot of changes when it comes to how we are connected to the world and how we are connected to each other. Now more than ever we have the ability to instantly communicate with other people no matter where in the world they might be. Sometimes this is a good thing. Sometimes it’s a bad thing. Then there are the times it just comes across as a weird thing.
