Posts Tagged ‘Pro Wrestling’

The Cage.jpg

*** This was a lost article, originally done for Needless Things around WrestleMania week but purged from the archives when the site moved to WordPress and the older articles on the site were moved to Old Needless Things. Other than rewrites to eliminate references to it being WrestleMania weekend, this is largely the article as originally written. ***

A lot of people throw around the label of “the worst” when discussing some of the things that have happened in pro wrestling in the recent eras of the business. Certainly, WCW in its dying years gave us some real stinkers, TNA has given us some really bad moments when it’s been at its lowest, and WWE certainly hasn’t been immune from the four-finger stinker curse.  But there was once a match, a cage match to be precise, that should probably go down in wrestling history as the match where idea and execution collided to give us possibly both the worst gimmick idea for a match and the worst match in the history of professional wrestling. Despite popular opinion, it didn’t involve either Al Snow or a poor man’s Punjab prison mockup.



To the victor go the spoils; not to mention the eventual writing of the histories. One of the things this leads to is everyone and their brother pointing to various things that were “the beginning of the end” for the loser that weren’t seen as anything of the kind at the time and, frankly, may not have actually been anything of the kind. When it comes to WCW, the eventual postmortems on the company began to create narratives about many people and events; some of which have already easily been proven to be not wholly accurate.



The last time I posted a PWR show I was on, I mentioned it was the last time I would be on PWR as a regular contributor. That was because, starting with this show, I’m an official co-host doing the show on a regular basis.
This week’s show- The Brian Pillman Jr Interview


On this episode of The Pro Wrestling Roundtable we prove that We Are NXT! But first Jonathan Williams, John Morgan Neal, & Richard Ewell are joined by professional wrestler Stryk Nyn as they talk with him about his career and Dragon Con Wrestling which is coming up THIS THURSDAY!


So, over on Netflix, they’ve had some success with a Netflix original program based on the 1980s cult wrestling hit GLOW. But, rather than actually have a women’s wrestling show on Netflix, they went the path of a comedy/drama telling a fictionalized version of the creation of the show. The original GLOW was the creative child of David McLane. He had an idea for giving women wrestlers a more story-based spotlight and set about building GLOW into a ratings winner for a time. That was the late 1980s, and it’s been a long, strange, spandex (and roller hockey) filled trip for McLane since then.


It’s April, April Fools is now nicely behind us, and, for wrestling fans at least, the real reason April as a month has a special place on the calendar is about to happen this coming weekend. The entire company that is the World Wrestling Entertainment has been building towards this weekend since the Monday Night Raw of April 3, 2017, and some fans have been making their plans for this weekend for almost as long. Welcome to the craziness that is the WrestleMania Weekend.

Read More Here>>>

It is the annual tradition around this time to have a discussion of the State Of Wrestling! So, John, Richard, & Jerry join around the roundtable to discussion the latest and current happenings going on in the wrestling world. The WWE naming the Women’s Battle Royal after Moolah is certain a hot topic that we could not, not talk about so the fellas weigh in on the latest controversy. The Young Bucks & Cody are bringing us All In which is going to be a huge event in more ways than one in the wrestling world this year. And Braun Strowman is one of the best things going around in WWE so we have to talk about THESE HANDS!


We’re doing the Rumble for the Pro Wrestling Roundtable. Check it out.

Since December of last year, The Pro Wrestling Roundtable has been having a good run of getting great interviews and guests who are both indie talent and bigger names in the business as well as getting others connected to the business. Check out some of the last year’s worth of shows with these talents if you missed them.



I’ve been a wrestling fan for years now. Moreover, I’ve been a fan of pro-wrestling for years now. That may look like I said the same thing twice, but it’s not quite the same thing. Like many, I’ve been a wrestling fan in that I enjoy just sitting down and watching and enjoying what I’m seeing on the TV screen or in whatever venue I was in for a live show. But, additionally, I’ve been a fan of wrestling. I’m one of those people who love the art of it, the technique of portraying the unreal as real in live entertainment and not breaking the “reality” of it. I love the history of it all, and I love seeing how wrestling has influenced pop culture in different eras and vice-versa. I also love the variety of it all. I’m a wrestling fan, and I’m a fan of pro-wrestling.

This can be a good thing and a bad thing when it comes to what’s happening in the pro-wrestling world. See, I’m in my mid-forties. I’ve seen some of the biggest “Golden Eras” of wrestling over the last 50 years. The big problem with this is that every time we seem to see these “Golden Eras” we see the world of pro-wrestling simultaneously become lesser for it.
