Archive for May, 2019

Assignment Horror


This is not exactly new news. As a matter of fact, it’s old enough that it was discussed as a part of the reason we were seeing a new King Kong film in 2017. We got Kong: Skull Islandin part- perhaps in large part –because they wanted a “shared universe” in order to have King Kong eventually meet the King of Monsters for a big budget, Hollywood battle royal. But, even as the 2019 version of Destroy All Monsters is upon us, even as various people are discussing this weekend’s big monster bash, it seems a lot of people don’t know this is on the books. 

Now, I’m not as anti-remake as a lot of other people can be. My attitude towards remakes with regards to potential quality is that they have a no greater or lesser chance at being good than an original film. I don’t do the…

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Deep Red (1975)

Posted: May 29, 2019 in Uncategorized


Assignment Horror

CoverIssac Cain picks the movie this time around and its 1975’s Deep Red! John, Jerry, and the returning Becca interrogate young Richard to get his opinion on this classic movie. From the music to the terrific direction of this movie there is a lot to love about this one! The gang talks about all that and the magnificent kills and special effects! 

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Assignment Horror

TetBecca picks the movie this time around and its 1989s Tetsuo: The Iron Man! John, Becca, & Richard are short their standard 4th (or 5th) person but they have a discussion for the ages about this crazy movie. Tetsuo: The Iron Man is a must watch for being cyberpunk and its body horror and its social commentary. We promise you will actually learn something from this episode as Becca educates us about this wonderful film.

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Ghostwatch (1992)

Posted: May 27, 2019 in Uncategorized

Assignment Horror

Cover Ghostwatch.JPG

In this episode of the podcast, the crew plus the fantastic master of mayhem Sean Burnham take a look at one of the greatest haunted house movies of its era, 1992’s Ghostwatch. What? Never heard of it? There’s a particularly good reason for that, one the guys get into in the early going. Give it a listen and find out why so many of the crew love and why, if you haven’t seen it, you should.

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When people do something in a monumentally stupid way, I usually have no issue pointing out that they just did something in a monumentally stupid way. When people do something in a monumentally stupid way and then follow that up by doubling down in perhaps an even more monumentally stupid way, I usually have no issue with pointing that out. Occasionally, when someone doesn’t end up doubling down in ways that makes them come off as a bit of an ass, I’ll even try to be fairly polite about it. Blunt honesty about how someone is behaving might not come across as “polite” in a way Miss Manners would endorse, but, hey, she occasionally over the years came across as less than polite and sometimes even more than a tad condescending.

However, one thing I do hate to do is to punch down. A few days ago, a statement- perhaps in the eyes of some even a borderline challenge -was directed at me where I just rolled my eyes, joked with a few friends about it, and more or less decided to leave it alone and move on. At the time, as the person seemed to be desperately trying to sink himself and a project he wanted to launch, it seemed like responding in the way he suggested I do so would be a little bit like me punching down- in this case punching down on a guy barely holding onto a life preserver in shark-infested waters while simultaneously dumping chum all over himself.

It’s a few days later. I’ve thought about it. Not all that much, mind you, but enough. Just enough to realize that something I said to this fellow was fairly accurate and worth following up on. His actions and his reactions to the fallout from his actions are worth noting and discussing if for no other reason than they are a “How To” guide for everyone else out there. However, in his case, he is and seems to be intent on becoming even more so a “How To” guide on everything you want to not do if you’re hoping to do a project along the lines of his proposed project.

I’m going to work very hard to rein in my natural tendencies towards sarcasm here. There are three reasons for this. First, this is the kind of mistake many fans or fan/pros out there could easily make in this day and age. Second, while the man is acting in a damned fool way, he hasn’t exactly (yet) struck me as someone trying to be a jackass. That could change based on things he’s already expressed on the matter, but I’m going to give him some benefit of the doubt for now. Third… Well, I’ll touch on that reason towards the end of this.

Actually, I’ll add a fourth reason why I’ll rein in my natural tendencies towards sarcasm here. He may very well be a nice guy who doesn’t act like this very often. I don’t know. I have no real way of knowing that. He may normally be a nice, fairly on top of it guy who is just acting in an extremely poor manner here.

Oh, also… If the individual in question sees all of this and feels it puts him in a poor light or that my using him as an example for others of what not to do casts his recent actions in a negative light… Well, there’s a part of me that’s at least a little sorry for that. However, keep in mind; he basically suggested I do this.


The Underground Space Station

About a week ago, I saw an article on-line that was looking for articles. They wanted a quick description of what topic would be written about, so I dashed off a couple lines about PTSD and how it’s shown, or not shown, on Trek. Didn’t hear back yet. HOWEVER, some other people MUST have, since articles have started appearing.

Sadly, I fear I’ve started to label these less Trek, and more another Nimoy vehicle, In Search Of…An Editor. As can be seen here or here it’s like overhearing a conversation waiting in the autograph line at a convention.  The Mirror Universe article could be an analysis of the darkness inside, or which world we’re in, not an episode summary.  The Ferengi one could have been really insightful, with more discussion of the label as Outsider.  Instead, it becomes a Poor Me Screed.  There’s one about the Jewish origins of…

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It Came from Hollywood

Posted: May 2, 2019 in Uncategorized

Assignment Horror

It Came from Hollywood Poster and CoverOh, do I love this film. It’s probably a sign of a mental disorder on my part, but I really do seriously love this film. It just tickles the goofiest, weirdest, and likely dumbest funny bone that I have in my body. I think it also helped screw up my personal taste in some genres of film in a way that still makes my wife suffer greatly on the occasional movie night.

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