Archive for September, 2010

Where have I been?

Posted: September 2, 2010 in Life

Kind of neglected the old blog in the last year. Lots of stuff happened and lots of stuff still happening that would be perfect for this thing but I was a wee bit busy with life and, more to the truth of the matter, playing on Facebook and spending too much time on Vampire Wars and Farmville.

Ditched the games a while ago though. Here’s the catching up to bring things up to speed and to make sure the next series of posts makes sense.

Just before the New Year we discovered that my lovely wife was going to br growing huge over the following eight months with our second child. In response I started working overtime like a madman and frequently wondered which I was going to do first; die or fall asleep on duty from too many back-to-back 12 and 14 hour days and working my days off for seven months.

The answer was, thankfully, neither.

In that time period I did try and do some things that I should have been doing long before now. I have a friend down in NC who is a part of an independent film group that specializes (at least up until now) in the zombie genre. Buried in the archives of this blog is a review of one of their films called A fistful of Brains.

Well, Bill has been telling me through two films that I have to drive on down there and die on film or something. So this last Easter I actually got around to doing it. The whole family loaded up and camped out at the location of the film shoot. Everyone had a blast and more importantly we met a lot of really great people; many of who we’re trying to make sure to keep in touch with.

Oh, and I even got to choreograph a Jackie Chan style fight that I then did on film that ended with my death at the hands of a bunch of zombies.


I’ve since gone back down there for more shoots where I was on screen as well as just pitching in behind the scenes. Doesn’t seem like work at all or even like a long haul because everyone is so much fun to be around and the “work” is just so much damned fun.

Oh, and I got an offer that I won’t discuss here but that I hope will work its way all the way to fruition.

In less important news, we had a girl.

Kidding, Honey.

Work sucks a bit right now, but at least I’m employed. Can’t say the same for some other people I know. Not a fun thing to see people all around you losing their jobs.

This weekend should be another pick me up though as I’ll be heading up to HorrorFind and seeing some people I haven’t seen for a while, seeing the guys from down in NC and maybe seeing someone I “know” but haven’t had the pleasure of meeting in person yet. (Hi, Jerome.)

It should be a hell of a lot of fun, but it’ll be a lot of work as well. But hopefully the work will pay off down the road.

So, that’s the highlights since January. Not a lot I know, but then working from the time you get up to the time you go to sleep for months on end doesn’t offer up a lot of free time to do stuff that fills up blogs. I’ll be a bit better about the place from here on out though.

I’ll definitely by posting about HorrorFind after the weekend and after that I might be posting some pics from the shoots down in NC. Hopefully I’ll soon have some things going on as well that will be genuinely interesting and worth talking about.

So that’s it for now. See you Monday.