Archive for the ‘Podcasts’ Category

The Fly Cover

This week the crew finds itself still minus Becca thanks to the crazy world we live in right now. However, good friend of the show and familiar voice to the listeners Issac Cain stepped in to help John, Jerry, and Richard discuss 1986’s horror classic, The Fly.



This week on The Assignment: Horror Podcast the gang is minus Becca  so John, Jerry, and Richard make a go of it on their own. Tonight’s pick is one of John’s favorite movies ever, 1978’s Invasion of the Body Snatchers. From a weird dog face thing to a fantastic ending, there is a lot to talk about with this sci-fi/horror thriller.



So, starting with the shameless plug… We did an episode of The Assignment: Horror Podcast focusing on 1977’s The Haunting of Julia. As we were going over the films many attributes, another film came up as we were discussing films that had a very well executed aspect of intentional ambiguity about them. When done right, it’s something I love to see in a film.



To the victor go the spoils; not to mention the eventual writing of the histories. One of the things this leads to is everyone and their brother pointing to various things that were “the beginning of the end” for the loser that weren’t seen as anything of the kind at the time and, frankly, may not have actually been anything of the kind. When it comes to WCW, the eventual postmortems on the company began to create narratives about many people and events; some of which have already easily been proven to be not wholly accurate.



Things have been a wee bit crazy of late. As such, I’ve been neglecting my writing here as well as keeping up with posting podcasts I’m a part of here. So, one post with a lot of podcast links. They’ll be a few extra podcasts included as well.


This week’s The Assignment: Horror Podcast post features two shows with three guest hosts. Oh, and one of those is none other than Bane’s daddy, Chuck Dixon. The crew tackles two great films and the three guest all contribute a lot in the way of interesting and entertaining discussion. 

Listen to the shows HERE

Creature from the Black Lagoon (1954)

The crew (minus a called into work for emergency duty Jerry but adding talented horror talkers Issac Cain and Sean Burnham) dive into 1954’s Creature from the Black Lagoon.

Find it at the link.

28 days later

For the first show of the new year, the gang tackles one of the films that relit the fire on the zombie genre, 2002’s 28 Days Later.



We’ve got a lot of Christmas horror talk for you this week. Join the crew as they take a look at 1980’s Christmas Evil. Also added into the mix is last year’s show looking at Black Christmas as well as two shows from our pals over at Gruesome Magazine looking at the same films. Enjoy the shows. You can hear them all at the following link.


The latest episode of The Assignment: Horror Podcast has dropped. This week, the crew looks at 1986’s Chopping Mall.