Posts Tagged ‘50 Days of Dragon Con’

This year’s Dragon Con is August 30 – September 3, 2018.

Every year for more than just a few years now, the Earth Station One crew has produced an annual series of shows designed to let fans- both newbies and long time Dragon Con veterans alike -know what’s going to be happening at that year’s Dragon Con while also dispensing some great advice along the way. The show- already under way now -has guests on who have a wealth of experience with the convention as well as guests who can give anyone a lot of tips and tricks to help prepare for and survive any convention; but especially the now five day nonstop party that is Dragon Con.

Combined with the The Unique Geek’s annual, just before con launched 50 Days of Dragon Con series, there are no podcasts that are better for getting you set for the big event or better at doing it in an entertaining way. 


The Unique Geek’s 2017 50 Days of Dragon Con. An annual (almost) daily and (almost) real time countdown podcast to Dragon Con. Each episode looks at a specific track at or topic for Dragon Con. Guests include longtime regulars who help with things like helping newbies have a better experience to the track heads themselves talking about the plans for Labor Day weekend.

The episodes so far…


DCBannerDragon Con is a major event that takes over downtown Atlanta, Georgia every Labor Day Weekend. Whether you’re an experienced Dragon Con attendee or a total newbie to Dragon Con, some of these podcasts are great for finding out what’s going on, what everyone expects to happen at this year’s festivities, and getting survival tips for the long con weekend. Some I’ve linked to here before, some I’ve never linked to before.

Most of these are available on iTunes, all can be streamed directly from the links provided below. Dive in, scan over what’s listed below, find something that looks interesting, and check out what’s happening this year at Dragon Con.

Plus, hey, they’re just damned fun podcasts. Some of them are that way all year round as well, so you might want to check ’em out on iTunes or at whatever streaming platform carries them for some of their material not related to the big event. The White Rocket Podcast, as one example, just did a series of podcasts looking at all the films of 007 and a two-parter on some classic sword and sorcery in the theater that were just total blasts.


As I type this, there are just 25 days to go until Dragon Con. If you’ve never been, this was a short (but very fun) look at just some of what’s at Dragon Con that was done for broadcast on PBS.

Four Days at DragonCon (more…)