Archive for April, 2015

It’s not just how we get our television that’s changing, it’s how we view what television is as a storytelling medium. There’s at least one aspect of this evolution that I’m very happy about, and I explained what it is in my latest over at Needles Things.


Earlier in the week there was a flap in the news media over a protest at Valdosta State where several unidentified individuals had placed a flag on the ground and were walking on it. Michelle Manhart, an Air Force vet who witnessed the protest, went up to the protestors and took their flag from them. This resulted in her detainment by VSU police and her resisting arrest.

After VSU police returned the property to them that Manhunt had taken, the protestors declined to press charges. After releasing Manhart without charges but with a criminal trespass warning the officers requested student identifications from the protestors. After refusing to show them any school IDs, the VSU police broke up the protest and sent them on their way.


Part 2 of my piece on Adrenalin Productions at the Needless Things website. We look at the very recent history of Adrenalin as well as what’s happening now. There’s also a link in the article to bonus content. Hope you enjoy it.

FIIP1Where can Adrenalin be found?




A lesson in why you should follow your passion no matter how badly someone else tries to knock you down and kick you when you’re down.


esoDC1503-1024x1024The ESO 2015 Dragon Con Report Episode 03

“Spring is here and for many of us it means that Dragon Con 2015 is less than 150 days away! Don’t worry! Mike, Mike, Darren Nowell, MaryLouWho, and Nikki Rau-Baker will keep you company while you panic! Luckily, we chat with the recently defrosted Kevin Batchelder about what’s new for newbies, Michelle Biddix-Simmons has some calorie-counting tips for costumers, Eternal Zan has some hotel info and budgeting tips, and Bewitched Raven talks about how to save some cash on your costume. We can’t guarantee that this show will ease your pre-Dragon Con hysteria, but we hope it at least gives you a moment to breathe.”

You can find the show on iTunes and at the link below.

“The modern zombie, even the modern Romero Zombie for that matter, wasn’t created with Night of the Living Dead. What was created was the template for the modern zombie. That template said that the dead will rise for some known or unknown reason, the dead, in the grand tradition of the ravenous dead of myth and legend, will seek to feed on the flesh of the living, and that head shots are your golden ticket to zombie slaying. However, even the head-shot rule wasn’t followed 100% by every film in the 1970s and 1980s. But the basic template for what we consider the modern zombie was absolutely laid down with NotLD.

The Evolution of the Zombie (And Why That’s a Good Thing)