Archive for May, 2018

That may seem like an odd thing to say right now. A revival of the zombie film? For most people following horror, the zombie film hasn’t gone away. Cable television and the various streaming services are loaded with them; some old, some brand new. It wasn’t even that long ago that Brad Pitt was running around with zombies on the big screen screwing up a perfectly good book’s premise and talk of a follow-up film has been getting thrown around for a while now. As such, it may seem odd to some to say that we’re seeing a revival of the zombie movie. But the fact is, we are.

The thing is, I’m not talking about seeing more zombie movies being made or seeing larger zombie movies being made. I’m talking about a revival in the form of seeing better and better zombie films starting to be made again.


Assignment Horror

ThingThis episode the crew tackles The Things from Another World. This episode the crew also gets a bit punchy. 

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The Underground Space Station

Stace and Sheil are off at Aunt Marge’s today, packing things up. Having the living room’s big TV to myself has prompted throwing TOS Blu’s on. I’ve gotten up to the all-too-often talked about City on the Edge of Forever.

If you wanna hear all about Ellison’s problems with the rewrites or any of that behind the scenes stuff, or even one of the umpteen rehashes of the story, this ain’t the place. It should be noted that this is FAR from my favorite TOS episode. Not that it’s BAD. mind you. Far be it from me to say that. No, there are just other episodes I like BETTER.

Still, this is one of the very few TOS adventures where the stakes are so personal for the main characters. First, Kirk and Spock are trying to rescue McCoy–their friend, and tied for First, trying to restore their reality. Spock’s enjoyment…

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This is certainly going to be one of the more… different… pieces I’ve ever written for Needless Things. I’m usually fairly direct when it comes to things I’m writing about, but, at least right now, I’m being courteous about the matter. I’m not going to risk stirring up a hornet’s nest for someone/a group of people by addressing the matter directly and in detail. I will, it’s just going to have to wait a half dozen or so Thursdays before I can. In the meantime, I’m going to comment on various groups of people out there, sadly some in fandom, by discussing their mindset. Well, discussing might be the wrong word…


Assignment Horror

JCOVERThis week’s assignment is Becca’s pick, the classic tale of loss and the paranormal best known as The Haunting of Julia. The movie serves up a well crafted tale of horror and sports a magnificent cast of actors that anyone who loves 1970s era British horror will instantly recognize.

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I don’t want to seem like I’m rubbing salt into an open wound. I don’t want you to think I’m a Marvel Zombie or a newer era MCU fan trying to gloat. I’m not. What I am is someone who can see that you’re in desperate need of an intervention, and I think you need to recognize this fact as well.
