Archive for January, 2017


Okay, now that I have your attention…


“It’s time once again…”




Athena is the story of Carl, a man living with both emotional and physical scars in the wake of his wife’s death. His life is crumbling around him, he’s tormented by dreams of his wife, and he’s turned to means of dealing with his issues that are not all entirely healthy for him; including tuning out the rest of the world. Athena is the story of Emily, a slightly schizophrenic, manic depressive who is doing okay handling her issues. She also seems to care for Carl. Then there is Athena, a voice that starts talking to Carl from inside of his head. Carl may be going mad, but then the voice begins talking to Emily as well. What is Athena? What does she want? Is she trying to help two damaged people, or is she trying to hasten their self-destruction? Athena is an independent film from Image Impact Group, GreySun Productions, the late writer Michael Louis Calvillo, and director Robert W. Filion.

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Welcome to the New Age of the Ministry

Posted: January 22, 2017 in News, Politics
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Anyone with a functioning brain could see these types of words and actions coming from a mile away. All one needed to do was pay attention to Trump’s 30+ years in the public spotlight and especially the man’s words and actions during the Republican Primaries and the actual campaign. The man’s ability when campaigning to to call actual facts a lie and to call others a liar for speaking the truth even as he spouted off a string of lie after lie was unparalleled even in the world of politics. Donald Trump is a man who does not have the ability to distinguish an actual fact from something he simply likes and wants to be a fact, and his habit of lying almost every single time he speaks or tweets about a topic reaches pathological levels. 

He built a campaign in his own image that treated facts and truth with the same level of disregard and outright disdain that he himself did.  Then he won the election and began to create an administration in that image. White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer officially gathered the press for the first time to deliver a five-minute statement Saturday in which he made several statements filled with multiple falsehoods. The media noticed this and said something about it. Then Trump sent his official spokesperson for his Ministry of Truth out to talk on the Sunday chat shows. What she did and said- combined with what Trump has said in the last year -made Baghdad Bob look honest in comparison. 


~ 1/20/2017 ~

Posted: January 20, 2017 in Uncategorized

With apologies to the rest of the world…

Destructive Toddler

Invasion UFO

Posted: January 20, 2017 in Movies, Needless Things


It was the 1970s, and British television icon Gerry Anderson (he of Captain Scarlet and Space: 1999 fame) introduced the world to his vision of Earth fighting a desperate war against an alien invasion in the far future of 1980. The show, called simply enough, UFO, had everything the young and young at heart viewers could possibly want. There were UFOs, aliens, high tech combat vehicles for the Earth’s defense forces, a covert military organization, a moon base, and girls with purple hair.

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But I Doubt They Will

Posted: January 19, 2017 in News, Politics

President Barack Obama waves to supporters at an election night party in Chicago to proclaim victory in the 2012 presidential election.


This is not exactly new news. As a matter of fact, it’s old enough that it was discussed as a part of the reason we’re seeing a new King Kong film in 2017. We’re getting Kong: Skull Island in part- perhaps in large part –because they want a “shared universe” in order to have King Kong eventually meet the King of Monsters for a big budget, Hollywood battle royal.

Now, I’m not as anti-remake as a lot of other people can be. My attitude towards remakes with regards to potential quality is that they have a no greater or lesser chance at being good than an original film. I don’t do the complaints that remakes always suck, shouldn’t be made, or are never as good as the original, so that’s not what this is about. But I do occasionally wonder what they’re thinking when they decide that they’re going to do a certain property and how they intend to do it. So, along with a bit of a review of the original film, that’s what I’ll be doing here.

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I got the privilege of being invited up to the bridge of the station for a look back at 2016 with the crew of the Earth Station One podcast. Listen in and enjoy as Mike Faber & Mike Gordon chat about the year that was with Ashley Pauls and Keith Johnson, and then try to suffer through my bits long enough to get back to the good stuff.