Archive for August, 2017

The Unique Geek’s 2017 50 Days of Dragon Con. An annual (almost) daily and (almost) real time countdown podcast to Dragon Con. Each episode looks at a specific track at or topic for Dragon Con. Guests include longtime regulars who help with things like helping newbies have a better experience to the track heads themselves talking about the plans for Labor Day weekend.

The episodes so far…


I want to say upfront that this isn’t directed at everyone. It’s not directed at a majority of the folks out there. Hell, it’s not even directed at a large minority of the folks out there. It’s directed only at what looks right now to be a small but very vocal minority of the folks out there. But, still, when you’re dealing with roughly 80,000+ people, that can be quite a few people. This is also, hopefully, being seen as nothing more than a metaphorical tap on the shoulder and gentle nudge back in the right direction for many of those in that vocal minority. A bit of reminder that we should all be a little nicer to members of our convention family. 


I’ve been neglecting the blog of late. I haven’t been writing stuff for it, and I haven’t been linking my work from elsewhere here. I can’t fix the first one today, but I can play catch up on the second. So, without further ado…



Last year, 2016’s Dragon Con had two announcements that made certain events at the convention so much more convenient for not only attendees to see, but, in one case, for almost everyone else in the Atlanta area as well. Last year the parade was televised live by Atlanta’s CW for the first time. This allowed everyone to be able to see the parade as it happened whether they could find a spot on the ever more increasingly packed sidewalks on Saturday morning or not. The other 2016 announcement was an even bigger deal for many. That had to do with DragonConTV.