Archive for January, 2019

suspiria 77

The crew takes a look at the Dario Argento classic, Suspiria. This film was John’s pick. Did Richard like the movie or was John forced to kill him by the end of it?

That Look…

Posted: January 25, 2019 in Uncategorized

Yes, I get ribbed a lot by some friends and family about being a walking advertisement for Dragon Con.

talking dragon con

Assignment Horror

coverJust a point of order here. Many people are saying Netflix’s Bird Box is a ripoff of The Quiet Place, a film released into theaters in April 2018. This would be a neat trick as the book it was based on and took all of its baseline concepts from was published in 2014. I haven’t read it, but I understand it was pretty good. From the Amazon page for it-

“Publisher: HarperCollins UK Josh Malermans debut novel BIRD BOX is a terrifying, Hitchcockesque psychological horror that is sure to stay with you long after reading In its world of collapsing resources. endless terror and eye masks. Bird Box turns the old Hollywood cliche. of facing down the demon inside out – then tears it into little pieces Daily Mail Malorie raises the children the only way she can: indoors The house is quiet The doors are locked. the curtains…

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28 days later

For the first show of the new year, the gang tackles one of the films that relit the fire on the zombie genre, 2002’s 28 Days Later.
