Archive for April, 2016


So while everything else is happening, some news that broke that put a smile on my face.
I’ve been nagging my good friend Bill Mulligan (among others) for years now to get his butt down to Atlanta for Labor Day Weekend to share in the amazing fun that is Dragon Con. Not only is he FINALLY going, but he gets to go as one of the recognized Attending Professionals, and he’s bringing some of Gruesome Magazine’s Grue-Crew along as first timers as well.

Hot Sauce

You know, twice today race came up in things when they probably shouldn’t have. One place was so bizarrely an out of context place for the comments that started that it was as funny as it was sad. The other place you kind of expect race to pop up in, but this was an example of race card stupidity that makes me worry about the fact that some of the people I was discussing the matter with are allowed out on their own without any adult supervision, let alone that they’ll be voting in November.


There’s been a lot of talk about LGBT people and public restrooms lately. Everyone from conservative pundits to Ted Cruz are out there fear mongering their little hearts out about it. We have to, they say, pass laws that are hugely discriminatory and often reaching far beyond simple restrooms or else “those people” will get into the public restrooms with you and *gasp* your kids! Let’s talk two key facts of reality here before we carry on with the hyping of the fear train.


Tombs of the Blind Dead

They were a unique creation that were slapped with the zombie label. Although that was only after they were billed as something so far out off the mark- and more than a wee bit dishonest -that it has become something of an exploitation theater history legend.
